DaWei Metal Electronics company Limited est ablishes in 2000,existing employee's more than 250 personses,Professional technique 10 researcher.the profession produces various electric current fuse tube and its accessories,Our company produces and takes delivery of goods according to the ISO9001 quantity system organization strictly,the quality is superior,parts of products have already passed the CCC,UL,CSA,VDE,PSE etc.atestation.Have already obtained the attestation of SGS all for matching the EU ROHS product. "The prestige first,customer first,the quality first" is the comsistent service aim of our company,adhering the business enterprise spirit of" try for the best, the quality first",will make an effort to make the product meet customer's request.try hard for perfect DAWEI Metal Electronics limited company owns the profession,well-trained technique troops,the match goes inside the production technique power of lead the one step,solving various complicated hard nut to crack for you skillfully,providing the protection of match the world class level for your product.Welcome your letter,telephone,the way contact business that fax,even welcome the coming visit leading.